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First Lutheran Church invites families to Sunday School, Confirmation, Youth Group, and Worship! Our goal is to inspire families in a life of faith and engage members and friends to love and to serve the LORD and the community.


In January and February, the PreK/K Sunday School Class will learn that rain or shine, Jesus is a good friend (Jan) and Jesus loves everyone (Feb). Grades 1-3 and Grades 4-6 will explore the connection between RESILIENCE and UNIQUENESS and God’s character as shown through God’s big story. Sunday School meets every Sunday, 9:15-10:15am in January and February


First Lutheran has Sunday School for ages 3-4, ages 5-6, grades 1-3 and grades 4-6. Class meets every Sundays, 9:15-10:15. New friends are welcome anytime.


Sunday School meets every Sunday in January and February.


Special Events and Activities:

Quarter Collection!

During January, we are collecting quarters for . Funds will the First Lutheran Campus Vision. Children are an important part of our church and in January we share our financial gifts to maintain the building where learn and play together. Bring your quarters.


Children’s Choir

The Children’s choir meets on Sundays after the 9:30am service in the Story Room. If you would like more information about the children’s choir please contact Amy Hartsough at Beginning in February, the children will sing during the 9:30am service on the second Sunday of each month.


Bible Story Quilt Squares

The Sunday School is making a quilt in conjunction with Margaret Drinkwater! Grab a bible story and a fabric square from the check-in desk, read the story as a family, and let the story inspire your quilt square drawing. Fabric paints are available in the Discovery Room on Feb 2 & 9 after 9:30am service.


Speed Meet

Sign up for the second-ever First Lutheran Speed Meet where First Lutheran members and friends can meet someone new or learn more about an old friend. The Speed Meet is Sunday, January 19 at approx. 10:40am in the Fellowship Hall. A list of questions is provided and the moderator will instruct you when to start and when to switch partners. Sign up in the Gathering Space or office by January 17.


Generation Day

Sunday, Feb 2, 10:40am Come and learn a new skill or hobby from someone who knows how! Last year we sampled felting, knitting, card making, and whittling. If you have a talent you would like to teach or share on Generation Day please contact Eric at


February Red and White

Dance Dance away the February blues to the cool sounds of Frank and Co. at the Red and White Dance on Saturday, Feb 8, 6-8:30pm in the gym. Bring your dancing shoes and a friend to this family event.


Soup Club

Join Arwen, Renee, and Aubrey for a cozy, delicious time at Soup Club! The last Sunday of January, February, and March, we meet to share homemade soups, taste new flavors, and enjoy good company. Bring your favorite soup and ingredient list, a bowl, and a spoon (if you forget we have extra in the Gathering Space Kitchen). Can’t bring soup? Come to Soup Club anyway!



For more information about Sunday School contact Renee at

Home: Welcome

First Lutheran Church


612 N Randall Ave., Janesville, WI

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