It is with great excitement that First Lutheran Church invites families to Sunday School, Confirmation, Youth Group, and Worship! Our goal is to inspire families in a life of faith and engage members to love and to serve the LORD and the community.
Sunday School returns on September 8! Stay after class to enjoy a potluck, jump house, Mr. Balloon Hands, and Bingo!
First Lutheran has Sunday School for ages 3-4, ages 5-6, and grades 1-3 and grades 4-6.
Class meets Sundays, 9:15-10:15. New friends are welcome anytime.
This September at Sunday School our Preschool and Kindergarten classes will explore how they can love like Jesus!
The theme for grades 1-3 and 4-6 is living bright! They will explore the connection between compassion and God's character through stories and worship and fun.
For more information about Sunday School contact Renee at rengen@flcj.org or 608-359-9685.